Tattoo Trainings & Masterclasses at BUNAMI INK Academy Amsterdam

Fine Line Tattoo Trainings & Masterclasses

last edit: May 1st, 2024

When I started my journey as a tattoo artist, I was determined to share my love for the art of tattooing with others. I have therefore shared my journey with the world via social media from the very beginning. My account grew to now 830,000 followers on Instagram and over 2,4 Million followers on TikTok.

Menschen aus der ganzen Welt reisen zu mir in mein Atelier in Amsterdam, um meine Kunst auf ihrer Haut verewigt zu bekommen. Und seit kurzem auch dafür, um in meinen professionellen Fine Line Trainings die Umsetzung von detaillierten Motiven unter meiner Anleitung zu lernen. Beides ist für mich eine ganz besondere Ehre!


learn about tattoo machines, materials & fine line technique – BUNAMI INK Amsterdam

learn how tattoo machines work and everything you need to know about materials and the fineline technique - BUNAMI INK Amsterdam

Seit Ende 2023 gebe ich nun meine Erfahrung und mein Wissen durch spezielle Fineline Tattoo-Trainingskurse in der Bunami Ink Academy weiter! Dieser Schritt ermöglicht mir, eine inspirierende Gemeinschaft von angehenden Tattoo-Künstlern aufzubauen und auch bereits erfahrenen Artists weiterzuhelfen – die nächste Generation von Artists.

Die Kurse in der Bunami Ink Academy Amsterdam bieten dir eine umfassende Einführung in die verschiedenen Techniken, Stile und Materialien, die ich verwende und die für das Tätowieren von Fineline-Motiven mit sehr hohem Detailgrad benötigt werden. Von den Grundlagen des Zeichnens und der Designs bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Techniken wie Schattierung, Farbmischung sowie Inspiration und Strategien für Social Media decken meine Kurse alle Aspekte des Wirkens als Tattoo Artist ab.


start your journey as a fine line tattoo artist – BUNAMI INK Amsterdam

Expand your know-how and skills, or start your journey as a successful tattoo artist - BUNAMI INK Academy


Fine Line Tattooing by Bunami – Book only available for students – BUNAMI INK Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Fine Line Tattooing by Bunami – only course participants receive the exclusive, accompanying book (it cannot be purchased separately) – BUNAMI INK Amsterdam, Netherlands


What I find particularly fulfilling is the opportunity to nurture the individual talent and creativity of my students. In my classes, I encourage them to develop their own unique styles and expressions rather than simply sticking to passing trends. It is inspiring to see them evolve and develop their potential as tattoo artists.

My tattoo training courses are open to anyone who wants to discover or deepen their passion for tattooing. Whether you're an aspiring tattoo artist or simply looking to expand your knowledge, my courses provide a supportive environment in which you can develop your skills and find your creative voice.


practise on fake skin – BUNAMI INK Amsterdam

Exercises on artificial skin - BUNAMI INK Academy Amsterdam


I invite you to be part of this exciting journey and discover the art of tattooing together with me. Because ultimately, tattooing is not just about the art itself, but also about the people who create and wear it.

Thank you for accompanying me on this exciting journey!

Lovely wishes




In the Academy in Amsterdam you will learn everything about fineline tattoos and the secrets of the finest level of detail. In a mix of lessons and practical exercises, you will be taught the know-how of the most successful fineline artists, which only a few people in the world have mastered.

· Find dates for trainings and more on this page
· Academy: frequently asked questions (FAQ)
· for updates via E-Mail, sign up here

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Alina BUNAMI INK – 2022

Fineline & Dotwork Art

by Bunami

Since the beginning I have only made very fine tattoos with high artistic standards. This includes very feminine and delicate motifs, but also natural, clear and reduced illustrations. Nature serves as a source of inspiration for the fine bouquets and floral silhouettes for which people from all over the world come to me, which is a great honor for me.


AMSTERDAM, NL· 10.02.2024 
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